Here is the map of Govedarci
The map mainly consisted of large areas with not very much detail (contours or other features) with other detailed areas with detailed contours inside. The trails and lines of rocky ground were challenging to identify. Fortunately, the forest was very open and runnable with not too much climb.
The practice sprint map was partially a large, open park area with man-made features, small pits and other point features. The other areas if the map were fairly straight forward city blocks with fenced-in out of bounds areas.
Although much of the town had a similar blocks and parks layout, on our walk around Samokov we noticed some more complicated areas with fences, small buildings and canopies.
Tomorrow morning we are planning in the terrain that is relevant for the relay. It should be fun!
In general, training is going well for all of us physically and navigationally and we are excited for JWOC.
Good luck to all the Team Canada JWOC athletes! Enjoy the experience.