Monday, July 21, 2014

JWOC Sprint Prep

The JWOC sprint takes place on the morning of July 22nd  in Samokov. The map is 80 percent urban and 20 percent park. It's going to be a fast race!

The Alexander Bergstrom is the first Canadian runner at 10:22. ( 3:22 am in Ontario and 1:22 am in Alberta)
Trevor Bray is the final Canadian to race, leaving at 12:34. ( 5:34 am in Ontario and 3:34 am in Alberta)

Unfortunately none of the Canadian athletes were among the 80 juniors chosen to wear GPS's. 
However, you can check back soon to see photos  and get the athletes opinions of the race.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in the sprint, Team Canada JWOC Juniors. Have fun, too.
