Sunday, July 10, 2016

JWOC Sprint is over; preparing for the long tomorrow.

Despite weather reports calling for rain in the late morning, today was a hot sunny sunny day. On the plus side, everyone had dry cobblestones to run on, but on the minus side it was a very hot day, particularly for those starting later.

Emma W had the best Canadian finish with a 30th place finish followed by Robert in 111th. There were also solid first-time performances by Christian, Nicole and Leif. Both Emma S and Jan Erik improved their running times over last year.

There are several pictures of the Canadian runners on the JWOC photo albums pictures from the Terrain and pictures from the Arena as well as on Orienteering Canada's Facebook page, courtesy of Nick Barrable from CompassSport magazine.

Robert Graham exiting the spectator loop

We've had our team meeting for the Long tomorrow, which involves a delicate dance of assigned buses, trains, walking, and more buses as we head to a sequence of 2 (or 3) quaranteens Val Müstair. Robert will be the first starter of the day at 9:01, which means that he and Jeff are leaving our accommodation at 6:05. Breakfast is at 5:30.

If you are up early (or very late), you can watch the Team Canada twitter feed on #jwoc2016can

#jwoc2016 #orienteeringcanada

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